
Monday, March 28, 2016

I Vote for Them

Many say they do not vote out of objection -objection to the ineptitude of candidates on the ballot, objection to the position of both of the major parties in this country, objection to our current political system as a whole, Others do not vote out of a simpler apathy. In the past, I did not vote because I knew the outcome, either way, would not affect me personally. I am a well-educated, middle-class white male. There's very little in our political landscape that truly threatens the comfort and privilege that genetics and tradition have afforded me. I can always find a job, I have a large network of support to help me out, I face no real discrimination, and my health and safety are as good as it gets. elections don't affect me.

But I do vote. I vote for those who will be hurt by one outcome and helped by the other. I vote so the poor and disadvantaged might be granted greater support in this world, so their job prospects increase and everyone who works hard will receive a wage sufficient to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. I vote to help minorities realize a world where they are not disproportionately targeted by the criminal justice system. I vote so women have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies, where they are given easy access to effective birth control, and are not taxed for having a different biology. While I realize that terrorism poses less threat to me than household furniture, I vote because others are not so lucky. I wish for an outcome that will limit the violence in the world, that won't lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in the quest to discover if sand glows. I choose a world where the families of those who commit wrongs won't be tortured and killed in revenge, where neighborhoods won't be policed and secured because of the religion of those living there. I do not vote to make the world a better place for myself - it's a very good place for me already - I vote to help those who need it, those who have less access to the voting booth, those who have no option at all.

If you feel your vote will not affect anyone else, that abstaining will somehow make things better, or that things can't get any worse, then I respect your right to do so. But I urge you to look beyond yourself. Look beyond the simple political rhetoric that exists. Study a little history, accpet a little responsibility. Voting does matter, if not for you then for everyone else. Vote for them. 

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